
Abe Lincoln Biography on Audiobook


Free Resource (#843) - June 26th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

Listen to this free unabridged biography of of America's 16th president Abraham Lincoln. Written by Henry Ketcham and well-narrated by Andrew Julow at ejunto.com, this audio book covers Lincoln's entire life from his early years through his assassination in 1865. Read this glowing review it received:

"The book and reader were so engaging that I listened for the 9+ hours straight. I applaud both Learn out Loud and ejunto.com for making this book available to the public for free. It renewed my belief in the greatness of leaders, and portrayed Lincoln's qualities so admirably."

Enjoy this free 9-hour audio book on MP3 download from ejunto.com.

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

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In the War of Independence, Washington used his skills to steer the Continental Army through crises that would have broken less determined men; he squeezed out rival generals and defused dissent from those below him. Ending the war as a national hero, Washington "allowed" himself to be pressed into the presidency, guiding the nation with the same brilliantly maintained pose of selfless public interest. In short, Washington deftly screened a burning ambition behind his image of republican virtue---but that image, maintained not without cost, made him just the leader the overmatched army, and then the shaky young nation, desperately needed.

Ferling argues that not only was Washington one of America’s most adroit politicians---the proof of his genius is that he is no longer thought of as a politician at all.

Available on MP3 Download.

The Ascent of George Washington

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