21 Meditation Exercises from Sounds True
Our good friends at the publisher Sounds True recently launched a section of their site which is their Guide to Meditation, designed for people who have heard about meditation but don’t know where to begin. The site features 21 free streaming audio meditations from many of Sounds True's best teachers including Shinzen Young, Adyashanti, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron, and more. These 21 meditations are divided into five categories:
To Calm the Mind and Open to Awareness:
* 1: Observing the Breath
* 2: Meditation for Relaxation
* 3: Mantra Meditation
* 4: Centering Prayer
* 5: Meditation on Harmony
* 6: Sufi Meditation
* 7: Walking Meditation
* 8: Meditation for Pain Relief
To Soften and Nourish the Heart:
* 9: Metta— Meditation
* 10: Tonglen— Meditation
* 11: Forgiveness Meditation
On the Energy of the Body:
* 12: Chakra Meditation
* 13: Standing Meditation
* 14: Inner-Body Meditation
* 15: Earth Breathing
For "Just Being":
* 16: Natural Meditation
* 17: True Meditation
In Daily Life:
* 18: Meditation for Busy People
* 19: Morning Meditation
* 20: Mini Meditations
* 21: Eating Meditation
Listen to some of these great free meditations today!
21 Meditation Exercises from Sounds True