
Free Aging Documentaries

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This documentary introduces us to Stephen Jenkinson, once the leader of a palliative care counselling team at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital.

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THE OPEN ROAD: AMERICA LOOKS AT AGING is an hour-long documentary that examines the impending retirement of America's baby boomers on both society as a whole and on individual choices for the future.


by Joe Richman
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It was assumed many years ago, when you got old you lived with the family. And I guess there's something to be said for that.

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One of the most powerfully intimate films ever made about the final stages of life, The End began as a bold experiment. In November 2001, director Kirby Dick invited terminal patients and their families in a hospice program to take home cameras and record their last experiences on earth.

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A film by the Immortality Institute that explores various aspects of extreme life extension including cryonics (cryogenics), caloric restriction, transhumanism, and other scientific pursuits of extreme life extension.

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Deceased. Departed. Passed On. No matter how you say it, it happens to all of us. Death is as much a part of human existence as is life, yet it remains a mysterious, often taboo subject.

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Director Mark Wexler embarks on a worldwide trek to investigate just what it means to grow old and what it could mean to really live forever.

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Americans overwhelmingly say they prefer to die at home, but most deaths actually occur in hospitals or other long-term care facilities. Aging Matters: End of Life explores the complicated experience of dying and why so few of us get the death we say we want.

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Death is something we will all one day face. So why is it so hard for doctors to talk with their patients about dying?

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Medical advances have enabled an unprecedented number of Americans to live longer and healthier lives, but this new longevity has also had unintended consequences.

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