
Free Astronomy Documentaries

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Journey to the Edge of the Universe is a documentary film broadcast on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. It documents a space journey from Earth to the edge of the universe itself. The US edition was anjingsora risora narrated by Alec Baldwin and the UK edition by Sean Pertwee.

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In commemoration of Neil Armstrong and the whole NASA space program, NASA TV has posted to YouTube their documentary on the 50th Anniversary of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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On July 20th, 1969, the Apollo 11 landed on the moon carrying astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins. This 30-minute 1969 documentary from the National Archives depicts the Apollo 11 mission from launching through post-recovery activities.

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One of the most inspirational underdog stories in the history of science: Undaunted tells the stories of the people who faced relentless hardships and failures, and yet went on to found astrophysics and pioneer the invention of powered flight.


by Carl Sagan
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This film is an edited version of a symposium held at Boston University on November 20, 1972 that explores the implications of the possible existence of extraterrestrial life within the galaxy and the universe.

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At the heart of the Apollo space program and a remarkable decade of achievement was the team who worked in Mission Control.

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Dramatic, moving and insightful, Armstrong tells the definitive life story of Neil Armstrong: From his childhood in rural Ohio, through aerial combat in Korea, to his first steps on the Moon, and unwanted celebrity status that ensued.


by Patrick Moore
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This captivating documentary chronicles the seventh manned mission in the Apollo space program: Apollo 13.


by John F. Kennedy
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This film presents President John F. Kennedy stating in 1961 that "this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth."


by Patrick Moore
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Astronomer Patrick Moore presents this riveting documentary marking the 40th anniversary of the Apollo space program.

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