Free Philosophers Documentaries
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by Ayn Rand
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This documentary-style course traces Rand’s life (1905-1982) from the perspective of her goal to become a writer. Photographs, film clips, and audio of Rand’s own personal recollections enliven this narrative of her prolific career.
by Robert Anton Wilson
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This feature-length documentary is a hilarious and mind-bending journey into the multi-dimensional life of Robert Anton Wilson, one of the foundations of 20th Century Western counterculture and author of the Illuminatus! Trilogy.
by Albert Schweitzer
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Albert Schweitzer is a German biographical documentary made in 1957, directed by Jerome Hill. It won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature for 1957.
by Christopher Hitchens
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In this documentary, outspoken journalist, political pundit and religion-critic Christopher Hitchens is given a feature length portrait, comprised of interviews and footage captured just before his untimely death in 2011.
by Jeff Britting
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From Sunset Boulevard and the Harmony Gold Theater, the guests talked about the political history of America and the world from the mid-1930s to post-World War II through the life and writings of novelist, screenwriter, and philosopher Ayn Rand.
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Beyond Good and Evil describes the life of Friedrich Nietzsche and his gradual shift from religion to nihilism, and finally, to insanity.
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Ayn Rand - A Sense Of Life is the first authorized film look at the life and work of the controversial Russian-born author of "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged."
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He lived in an age of superstition and magic, and believed that he could foretell the future. Here is an in-depth look at the prophetic visions of Nostradamus.
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This biographical documentary takes a look at the life of French philosopher Michel Foucault, whose theories on the relationship between power and the history of ideas helped bring about a new perspective on how to access historical knowledge.
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The official full length version of FINDING JOE: A story about Joseph Campbell and The Hero's Journey. In the early 20th century, while studying world mythology, Joseph Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told and he called it "The Hero's Journey".
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