Free Everyday People Documentaries
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79 titles
by Nick Broomfield
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In the provocative documentary "Chicken Ranch," filmmakers Nick Broomfield and Sandi Sissel take us on a captivating journey into one of the few legal brothels in Nevada.
by WGBH History Unit
American Experience, television's most-watched history series, brings to life the incredible characters and epic stories that helped form our nation.
by John Rabe
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This audio documentary put out by American Public Media recounts the incredible true-life tale of how 28 Men survived a ship-wreck in Antarctica for 2 years.
by Joe Richman
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My name is Alberta Martin and I was born in nineteen hundred and six, the first day of December. I'm the last Confederate widow living as far as anybody knows...
by Nick Broomfield
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1992, Florida, USA. Aileen Wuornos is claimed to be the world's first female serial killer. She killed seven of her clients and was on death row in the State of Florida facing the electric chair.
by Werner Herzog
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How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck is a 1976 documentary film by German director Werner Herzog, produced by Werner Herzog Filmproduktion. It is a 44 minute film documenting the World Livestock Auctioneer Championship held in New Holland, Pennsylvania.
by Werner Herzog
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The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner is a 1974 documentary film by German filmmaker Werner Herzog. It is about celebrated ski-jumper Walter Steiner who works as a carpenter for his full-time occupation. Herzog has called it "one of my most important films."
by Emily Thompson
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Since 1996, the Teenage Diaries series has been giving tape recorders to young people around the country to report on their own lives.
by Joe Richman
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It was assumed many years ago, when you got old you lived with the family. And I guess there's something to be said for that.
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The Woman Who Wasn't There is a psychological thriller that goes inside the mind of history's most infamous 9/11 survivor.
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