
Free Painting, Architecture, & Sculpture Documentaries

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by John Berger
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Ways of Seeing is a 1972 BBC four-part television series of 30-minute films created chiefly by writer John Berger and producer Mike Dibb.

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The life of Pablo Picasso is an exciting story of rebellion, riches, women and great art. In this episode of a four-part series dedicated to Modern Art, journalist Alastair Sooke travels through France, Spain and the US to see some of the artist's great works and recount tales from his life story.


by Peter Ackroyd
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World changing events in the late 18th century - from the French Revolution via American Independence - instigated a new movement in the art, literature and thinking of Britain: The Romantics.


by Simon Schama
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The power of the greatest art is the power to shake us into revelation and rip us from our default mode of seeing. After an encounter with that force, we don't look at a face, a colour, a sky, a body, in quite the same way again.

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Founded in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is a three dimensional encyclopedia of art history. Produced for Public Television by Great Museums TV.

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Discover the science behind Leonardo da Vinci's masterpieces-and Mona Lisa's iconic smile.

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This 1974 documentary is directed by Herbert Kline and narrated by Orson Welles. The subject spans 100 years of modern art history and is divided into two parts.

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Lichtenstein, who died in 1997, created a huge commotion in the world of art in the 1960s with his enlarged canvases of blowups from comic strips and comic books. He has come to rank today right next to Andy Warhol as a top name in pop art, fueled by a similar spectacular guile.

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You've seen him before - he's the quiet soft-spoken guy with the fuzzy afro hair painting mountains and trees with big brushes in a matter of seconds.

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What do the superstars of modern art have in common with the Vincent Black Shadow motorcyle? They share the stage at New York City's Museum of Modern Art, also known as MoMA. Produced for Public Television by Great Museums TV.

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