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88 titles
by Don DeLillo
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In this somewhat unsettling documentary, author Don DeLillo takes viewers into the world of the image showing footage of assassinations and terrorism alongside other random images from TV and film.
by Oliver Sacks
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Can the power of music make the brain come alive? Throughout his career Dr. Oliver Sacks, neurologist and acclaimed author, has encountered myriad patients who are struggling to cope with debilitating medical conditions, including autism and Tourette's syndrome.
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It's one of the hottest industries in America. Easier to order at home than a pizza, bigger than rock music, it's arguably the most profitable enterprise in cyberspace. AT&T has been in the business. Yahoo! has profited from it.
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Beyond the Mat is a 1999 documentary directed by Barry W. Blaustein. The film focuses on the lives of professional wrestlers outside of the ring, primarily Mick Foley, Terry Funk, and Jake Roberts, as well as some aspiring wrestlers.
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Located in Clarksdale, Mississippi, this museum tells the powerful story of the origins of the Delta Blues. Narrated by Morgan Freeman. Produced for Public Television by Great Museums TV. For more information, visit
by Morgan Spurlock
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A film by Morgan Spurlock explores this amazing cultural phenomenon by following the lives of five attendees as they descend upon the ultimate geek mecca at San Diego Comic-Con 2010.
by Ice-T
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Ice-T travels coast to coast interviewing rap performers such as Q-Tip, Common and Kanye West to pay tribute to the musical art form.
by Werner Herzog
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In the 1950s, a teenage Werner Herzog was transfixed by a film performance of the young Klaus Kinski. Years later, they would share an apartment where, in an unabated, 48 hour fit of rage, Kinski completely destroyed the bathroom.
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Alive Inside is a joyous cinematic exploration of music's capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity.
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The third film in Penelope Spheeris's Decline of Western Civilization trilogy covers homeless teens in Los Angeles living as gutter punks and doing what they can to survive.
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