
Free Technology Leaders Courses

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by Roger Rangel
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Topics include: thermodynamic concepts, thermodynamic properties, the first law of thermodynamics, first law analysis for a control volume, the second law of thermodynamics, entropy, and second law analysis for a control volume.

by J. Kim Vandiver
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This course is an introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems. Topics covered include kinematics, force-moment.

by Jon Summers
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The past, present, and future of the automobile is explored, bridging the humanities, social sciences, design, and engineering, and taking up the human experiences of designing, making, driving, being driven, living with, and dreaming of the autombile.

by Roger Rangel
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UCI Engineering MAE 130A covers the following topics: fluid statics; fluid dynamics; Bernoulli's equation; control-volume analysis; basic flow equations of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; differential analysis; potential flow; viscous incompressible flow.

by Randal C. Picker
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This seven-week course will explore the relationship between law and technology with a strong focus on the law of the United States with some comparisons to laws around the world, especially in Europe.

by Jasper Alexander Vrugt
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Introduction to computer programming within a numerical computing environment (MATLAB or similar) including types of data representation, graphical display of data, and development of modular programs with application to engineering analysis and problem solving.

by Marc Madou
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Manufacturing processes can be organized by considering the type of energy required to shape the work-piece.

by William B. Bonvillian
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This course focuses on science and technology policy-it will examine the science and technology innovation system, including case studies on energy, computing, advanced manufacturing, and health sectors, with an emphasis on public policy and the federal government's role in that system.

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This course examines the history of MIT through the lens of the broader history of science and technology, and vice versa.

1 - 9 of 9 titles