
Free Physics Courses

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by Richard P. Feynman
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For more than 30 years, Richard P. Feynman's three-volume Lectures on Physics has been known worldwide as the classic resource for students and professionals alike....

by J.J. Binney
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Professor J.J. Binney explains quantum amplitudes, quantum interference, and the concept of a "quantum state".

by John Biddle
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In this course, students learn how to analyze fluids at rest (fluid statics) and fluids in motion (fluid dynamics). Fluid mechanics topics are distributed between ME 3111 (Fluid Mechanics) and ME 3121 (Intermediate Thermal-Fluids Engineering).

by Richard A. Muller
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The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events.

by Josh Bloom
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This course covers the Milky Way galaxy, star formation and the interstellar medium, galaxies, black holes, quasars, dark matter, the expansion of the universe and its large-scale structure, and cosmology and the Big Bang.

by Richard P. Feynman
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The great 20th century physicist and teacher Richard P. Feynman now has a free physics lecture series online courtesy of California Institute of Technology.

by Leonard Susskind
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This Stanford Continuing Studies course is the fourth of a six-quarter sequence of classes exploring the essential theoretical foundations of modern physics.

by Caleb Bonyun
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This first course in the physics curriculum introduces classical mechanics. Historically, a set of core concepts-space, time, mass, force, momentum, torque, and angular momentum-were introduced in classical mechanics in order to solve the most famous physics problem, the motion of the planets.

by Walter Lewin
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8.01 is a first-semester freshman physics class in Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory.

by Leonard Susskind
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String theory (with its close relative, M-theory) is the basis for the most ambitious theories of the physical world.

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