Free Astronomy Courses
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27 titles
by Alex Filippenko
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A description of modern astronomy with emphasis on the structure and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the Universe.
by Josh Bloom
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This course covers the Milky Way galaxy, star formation and the interstellar medium, galaxies, black holes, quasars, dark matter, the expansion of the universe and its large-scale structure, and cosmology and the Big Bang.
by Courtenay Raia
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Professor Courtenay Raia lectures on science and religion as historical phenomena that have evolved over time.
by Charles Bailyn
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This course focuses on three particularly interesting areas of astronomy that are advancing very rapidly: Extra-Solar Planets, Black Holes, and Dark Energy.
by Leonard Susskind
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This Stanford Continuing Studies course is the fifth of a six-quarter sequence of classes exploring the essential theoretical foundations of modern physics.
by Terry A. Matilsky
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Using publicly available data from NASA of actual satellite observations of astronomical x-ray sources, we explore some of the mysteries of the cosmos, including neutron stars, black holes, quasars and supernovae.
by Becky Baker
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What is science? Is the Moon made of green cheese? What is a star made of? How hot is the sun?
by Robert Wagner
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This collection focuses on the study of astronomy through history. It includes materials from the earliest observations of the stars through discoveries of the 20th century.
by Adam Burgasser
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A non-mathematical exploration of our Solar System and other planetary systems for non-science majors. The sun, terrestrial and giant planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, and meteors.
by Chris Impey
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How are astronomers approaching their search for life in the universe? What have we learned from the surge of exoplanets discoveries? How likely is it that Earth does not host the only life in the Universe?
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