Free Christianity Courses
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32 titles
by Huston Smith
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Dr. Huston Smith discusses their origin, founders and what each teaches as to life’s meaning and the way to its fulfillment.
by Michael Sugrue
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This course is a scholarly treatment of the Bible as literature that examines the many literary and cultural themes that originate in the Bible.
by Thomas Sheehan
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Who was the historical Jesus of Nazareth? What did he actually say and do?
by Jon Rittenhouse
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Dr. Jon Rittenhouse addresses some of the primary issues confronting Christianity today. In addition to defending the conventions of Christian thought and ideology, Rittenhouse reveals the inconsistencies of many rival viewpoints including scientism and relativism.
by Nathan Busenitz
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A survey study designed to give you a sense of perspective and appreciation of the church since the time of Christ. Primary attention is devoted to the major events, individuals, and issues which have played significant roles in the history of the church.
by Thomas Schreiner
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This class develops a pathway that begins with the hermeneutical principles for interpreting the Old Testament.
by Andy Snider
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A study of prolegomena, dealing with the essence and source of systematic theology, and reasons for its study; theology proper, including revelation, trinitarianism, and God's relation to the universe; and bibliology, emphasizing inspiration and inerrancy.
by Dale Martin
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This course provides a historical study of the origins of Christianity by analyzing the literature of the earliest Christian movements in historical context, concentrating on the New Testament.
by Howard Gray
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Dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises provide advanced reflection on the classic text for men and women who serve as guides.
by Richard Harries
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This is a series of free public lectures investigating the portrayal of Christian themes in art from the first Christians through to the modern day.
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