Free Contemporary Issues Courses
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19 titles
by Edward Sheridan
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Theories of personality and their applications to current individual and societal psychological problems.
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Videos about how government works in the United States.
by Richard Schmalensee
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The collection includes twenty full lectures out of the twenty-four lecture sessions, and features occasional guest lecture as well as in-class discussions.
by Nathan F. Sayre
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Are there enough energy, water, mineral, and land resources for the world's population?
by Brenda Riddick
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Analysis and critical evaluation of recent major issues, conflicts and problems in American government and institutions.
by Victor Magagna
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This course offers an exploration of general theories of the origins of warfare; the impact of the state on war in the modern world; and the micro-foundations of combat and compliance in the context of the costs of war and military mobilization.
by Hamoud Salhi
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Analysis and explanation of political processes, governments, political issues and foreign relations of the Middle East. Discussion of influence of religion, oil, revolutions and conflicts on Middle East politics.
by Stephen Bright
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This course explores the imposition of the death penalty in the United States with particular attention to the influence of race and poverty, and the disadvantages of mental illness or intellectual disability of those facing death.
by Ginger Silvera
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A study of contemporary political institutions, with emphasis on the philosophy, structure, and behavior of the American political system, including the State of California. Meets State requirement in U.S. Constitution and California State and Local government.
by Daniel W. Webster
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Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change is designed to provide learners with the best available science and insights from top scholars across the country?
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