Free Languages Courses
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21 titles
by Theresa McGarry
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Study of practical aspects of English syntax, semantics, and usage. Emphasis on the teaching of grammar and usage for those seeking teacher certification.
by Pierre Capretz
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This series uses active participation to increase fluency in French, while introducing French culture.
by Isaiah WonHo Yoo
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This course is designed for high-intermediate ESL students who need to develop better listening comprehension and oral skills, which will primarily be achieved by detailed instructions on pronunciation…
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Destinos teaches speaking, listening, and comprehension skills in Spanish.
by John Searle
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The main purpose of this course is to answer the question, “How does language relate to the world?” In order to do this we will have to explore a lot of related questions...
by Paola Rebusco
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The participants in this seminar will dive into learning basic conversational Italian, Italian culture, and the Mediterranean diet.
by William Leben
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William Leben states that English has the largest vocabulary in the world, it's structurally able to borrow words from other languages, and it is most widely spoken around the world as a first and second language.
by Leonard Peikoff
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Grammar is the science that studies the methods of combining words into sentences. Discover how this normally dry subject is transformed into an engrossing epistemological field of study.
by Brian McManus
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Welcome to English for Career Development, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs.
by Bill Barrick
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The first course will provide you with basic vocabulary and understanding of the essential principles of phonology, morphology, and syntax.
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