Free Sales & Marketing Courses
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by Mukhtar Ahmed
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Simple Marketing System, Core Marketing Concepts, Marketing Functions & Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Marketing Historical Prospective Changes in Consumer Behavior, Key Marketing Philosophies…
by Jonah Berger
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Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products become hits while others flop? Why some ideas take off while others languish?
by William M. O'Barr
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This course examines the relation of advertising to society, culture, history, and the economy. Using contemporary theories about visual communications, we learn to analyze the complex levels of meaning in both print advertisements and television commercials.
by Sonia Simone
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This course is a partnership between the leading content marketing authority, Copyblogger, and UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education.
by Carolyn Kim
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A survey course in which students explore the nature and process of public relations process as well as methods and professional issues.
by Nader Tavassoli
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Professor Nader Tavassoli of London Business School contrasts traditional approaches to branding - where brands are a visual identity and a promise to customers - to brands as a customer experience delivered by the entire organisation.
by Mohammad Tariq Bucha
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Introduction to Advertising, Advertising and Society, Marketing Tools, Role and Functions of Advertising, Advertising Planning, Positioning, Advertising Message, Advertising Budget, Advertising Reach…
by Chris Burnett
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Public relations practices and principles as applied to government, education and industry.
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