
Free Technology Leaders Audiobooks

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1 - 9 of 9 titles

by John Munro
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Including the dawn of hydro-electric power, the x-ray, the phonograph, the telephone and the wireless telegraph, this book explains the pioneering work of the men who made our modern world possible, and sets us wondering what the next century may bring.


by Vivek Wadhwa
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Do you feel in control of your life or enslaved by your devices? Have you risked your life texting and driving? Do you sympathize with a test group of students who endured painful shocks rather than be separated from their phones?


by Orville Wright
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The Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air flight, on 17th December 1903. They were not the first to build and fly aircraft, but they invented the controls that were necessary for a pilot to steer the aircraft, which made fixed wing powered flight possible.


by Henry M. Field
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Cyrus W. Field had a dream: to link the Old World of Britain and Europe to that of the New World of North America by a telegraph cable stretching across the great Atlantic Ocean.


by Alexander Russell Bond
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This war was not one of mere destruction. It set men to thinking as they had never thought before.


by Russell Doubleday
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Doubleday chronicles the history of everyday inventions that form the foundation of technology now common through the world.


by Walter Grew
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From the velocipede to the motor cycle in twenty chapters. A short history of the British bicycle industry from its origins in a Coventry sewing machine factory in 1868 to its transformation into one of the countries most important industries.


by George Sutherland
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This work from 1901 predicts what technological developments will manifest in the twentieth century.


by Eugene Edward Hall
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This instruction manual contains complete directions for making and fitting new staffs for watches from raw material.

1 - 9 of 9 titles