
Free Technology Audiobooks

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by Chris Anderson
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Editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine Chris Anderson follows up his bestselling book The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, with his new book Free: The Future of a Radical Price. And in practicing what he preaches, Anderson and his publisher Hyperion are giving away his new audio book for free!


by Lawrence Lessig
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Lawrence Lessig could be called a cultural environmentalist. One of America’s most original and influential public intellectuals, his focus is the social dimension of creativity...


by Liv Montgomery
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Online Audio

Worldwide, there are over 6,000,000 online searches every month for eCommerce with over 33,000,000 search results....


by Jenn McAllister
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Through her pranks, sketches, and videos about everyday life, Jenn has become a mouthpiece for millennials and one of YouTube's fastest rising stars!


by William Davidow
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The coauthors of the seminal book The Virtual Corporation describe how the rise of artificial intelligence and virtual environments are ushering in an epic cultural transformation - and how we can thrive in this new era.


by John Munro
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Including the dawn of hydro-electric power, the x-ray, the phonograph, the telephone and the wireless telegraph, this book explains the pioneering work of the men who made our modern world possible, and sets us wondering what the next century may bring.


by Vivek Wadhwa
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Technology is advancing faster than ever - but for better or for worse? On the one hand, astonishing technological developments from personalized genomics to self-driving cars to drones to artificial intelligence could make our lives healthier, safer, and easier.


by Liv Montgomery
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Online Audio

Online business ownership has become incredibly popular - and even mainstream. If you want to join the ranks of successful eCommerce entrepreneurs, let Liv Montgomery, the eCommerce Gal be your guide on a fun and fabulous journey.


by Vivek Wadhwa
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Online Audio

Do you feel in control of your life or enslaved by your devices? Have you risked your life texting and driving? Do you sympathize with a test group of students who endured painful shocks rather than be separated from their phones?


by Doreen Dodgen-Magee
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With current statistics suggesting that the average American over the age of 14 engages with screens upwards of 10 hours a day, the topic of our growing dependence upon technology applies to nearly everyone.

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