Free Contemporary Issues Audiobooks
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2016 has proven to be one of the most dramatic, controversial and consequential U.S. Presidential election cycles in American history.
by Edgar Villanueva
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This second edition expands the provocative analysis of the racist colonial dynamics at play in philanthropy and finance into other sectors and offers practical advice on how anyone can be a healer.
by Blair H. Sheppard
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In conversations with people all over the world, from government officials and business leaders to taxi drivers and schoolteachers, Blair Sheppard, global leader for strategy and leadership at PricewaterhouseCoopers, discovered they all had surprisingly similar concerns.
by Stephen Leacock
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Leacock argues for a middle ground between individualism/capitalism and pure socialism.
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In light of recent events that have exposed rifts in the relationships between local police and the communities they protect and serve, on December 18, 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on 21st Century Policing.
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