Free History of Philosophy Audiobooks
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by Bertrand Russell
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Cozy up by the fireplace with this free version of Bertrand Russell's classic 1945 book The History Of Western Philosophy.
by Plato
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Classics of Western Philosophy is a collection of major philosophical works of the Western World. This chronological anthology features key excerpts from ancient, medieval, & modern philosophers.
by Bertrand Russell
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Classics of Western Philosophy: Volume 2 is a collection of major philosophical works of the Western World. We offer here for your perusal key excerpts from ancient, medieval and modern thinkers. We are excited to offer you this further exploration into the greatest minds in human history.
by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
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The introduction to Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of world history is often used to introduce students to Hegel's philosophy, in part because Hegel's sometimes difficult style is muted in the lectures, and he discourses on accessible themes such as world events in order to explain his philosophy.
by William Turner
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The History of Philosophy is the exposition of philosophical opinions and of systems and schools of philosophy.
by David Hume
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This book, published in two volumes called "books" by the author, is a treatment of everything from the origin of our ideas to how they are to be divided.
by Charles Bradlaugh
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This book presents a brief bio and a summary of important ideas & events in the lives of 23 great philosophers from ancient times through the 19th century
by John Charlton Hardwick
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This history of Western philosophy, published in 1920, explores the ways mankind has explained the natural world during the last few centuries, whether by spiritual interpretation or through advances in science.
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