
Free Ancient & Medieval Classics Audiobooks

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by Homer
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Listen to Homer's epic poem The Odyssey which follows the Greek hero Odysseus on his journey from Troy to his home of Ithaca after the Trojan War.


by Marcus Aurelius
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Download Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. This classic work of Stoic philosophy by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius has been a source of guidance and self-improvement for thousands of years.


by Homer
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Listen to Homer's ancient Greek epic poem The Iliad, translated by Samuel Butler. Learn about the wrath of Achilles, the Greek hero of the Trojan War, along with a whole cast of Greeks, Trojans, and gods that battle throughout the final year of the siege of Troy.


by Geoffrey Chaucer
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The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century (two of them in prose, the rest in verse).


by Anonymous
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Listen to the epic tale of Beowulf as he fights off Grendel and his venomous mother. Beowulf stands as one of the first and greatest works of English literature.


by Saint Augustine
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Download this free classic Christian audio book. The Confessions of St. Augustine was written by St. Augustine of Hippo between AD 397 and AD 398.


by William Smith
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Here we present 14 brief audio sketches of each of the major Greek Deities; providing the listener with information on lineage, characteristics, historical significance and artistic renditions.


by Aesop
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With an abreviated but keen sense of observation Aesop tells stories that never attempt to portray the real world; yet within this fantastic setting he gives us a vision of the human condition that still provides deep insight to this day.


by Romesh Dutt
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Possibly the longest poem ever written, The Mahabharata is a Sanskrit epic set during a time of war, in which two clans in ancient Northern India clash over the throne of the Hastinapura empire.


by Virgil
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With the Aeneid, the Roman poet Virgil provides his home country with a nationalistic origin grounded squarely in Homeric myth. The poem follows Aeneas, one of the few survivors of Troy's destruction, as he leads the last of his men through a series of trials as they make their way to Italian shores.

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