
Free Medical Audiobooks

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by Henry Gray
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Henry Gray's classic anatomy textbook was first published in 1858 and has been in continuous publication ever since, revised and expanded through many successive editions.


by Paul Ehrlich
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This is a textbook on the science of blood and bloodwork by (1908) Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Paul Ehrlich. Should appeal to hematologists, phlebotomists, and just plain folks interested in how our bodies work.


by Henry Gray
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Henry Gray's classic anatomy textbook was first published in 1858 and has been in continuous publication ever since, revised and expanded through many successive editions.


by Henry Gray
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Henry Gray's classic anatomy textbook was first published in 1858 and has been in continuous publication ever since, revised and expanded through many successive editions.


by Henry Gray
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Henry Gray's classic anatomy textbook was first published in 1858 and has been in continuous publication ever since, revised and expanded through many successive editions. This recording is of the public-domain 1918 US edition (some information may be outdated).


by Florence Nightingale
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Notes on Nursing was published in 1859 and is a fascinating view into the theories underpinning the early development of modern nursing and public health reform by "the Lady with the Lamp"…


by David Waltner-Toews
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Authored by a leading epidemiologist, this engrossing audiobook answers our questions about animal diseases that jump to humans - called zoonoses - including what attracts them to humans, why they have become more common in recent history, and how we can keep them at bay.


by William D. Ganger
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The writer believes that all attendants should be regularly instructed in their duties, and the highest standard of care can be reached only when this is done.


by Patricia C. Frye
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After decades of misinformation about cannabis largely due to the well-funded propaganda campaign in the 1930s, public attitudes toward the drug have finally begun to evolve.


by George Iles
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One of a series of books, "Little Masterpieces in Science" edited by George Iles, Health and Healing is a collection of articles written by prominent physicians and scientists describing key advances in medicine through the end of the 19th century.

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