Free Entertainers Audiobooks
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27 titles
by Geoffrey Giuliano
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For decades baseball great Joe DiMaggio was the very definition of cool and class in the midst of the unparalleled fury of his stellar career.
by Stephen Schochet
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"Fascinating Walt Disney from Hollywood Stories is a fascinating audiobook experience that takes listeners along for a ride through the life of the legendary Walt Disney." - The Borger News Herald
by Snoop Dogg
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Launching during the 30th anniversary year of Doggystyle, Snoop Dogg’s installment of Words + Music reflects on his coming-of-age journey from the streets of Long Beach to around the world and his decision to pursue love and life over death and destruction.
by Eddie Vedder
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In the summer of 1990, Eddie Vedder left the surf and sun in San Diego to join a group of friends working to put a new band together in the Seattle underground.
by James Taylor
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Through decades of music by one of the best-selling musicians of all time, who created classics like "Fire and Rain" and "Carolina in My Mind", James Taylor has doled out his history in the poetry of his work.
by Billie Joe Armstrong
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Soaring ambition. Unwavering integrity. Billie Joe Armstrong isn’t the first punk to negotiate mainstream success, but he might be its most undisguised example.
by Alice Cooper
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Rock and roll in the BC (Before Cooper) era was a tamer, milder world. In Who I Really Am, Cooper’s latest addition to Audible’s Words + Music series, we learn how the boa-wearing (not the feathered kind) maestro arrived at a show and sound - let’s call it AC for After Cooper - that has entertained millions of kids while terrifying parents in equal measure.
by Beck Hansen
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Beck’s story begins when the curiosity of a young loner leads him to explore and discover a series of magical places that shape the architecture of his personal and creative identities: a public library, a community college, an artistic community in a desolate section of a long since disappeared L.A.
by Alanis Morissette
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A down-to-earth global pop star. A deeply spiritual, cerebral powerhouse. A famously outspoken introvert. For her millions of fans, and the few unacquainted, defining rock luminary Alanis Morissette is an exercise in dichotomies and nuance.
by Sting
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Before he was nicknamed “Sting” by the leader of a local show band in northeast England, Gordon Sumner knew he was meant for more than his working-class background promised. He just didn’t know how to get there.
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