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This Author: Yuval Noah Harari
This Publisher: Google Talks

Yuval Harari on New Religions of the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Harari on New Religions of the 21st Century

by Yuval Noah Harari


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 23 Min.
Historian Yuval Noah Harari gave this lucid and dense talk at Google back in 2015. He begins the talk with the idea that the world's main religion currently is liberalism and points out areas where the ideology of individual freedom is dominant such as in politics, economics, and art. As liberalism has spread, he argues that traditional religion has played more of a reactive role in a world where ancient texts don't always address contemporary issues. Harari goes on to argue that liberalism in the future will be replaced by technological data science and algorithms and points to some of the ways that this is already happening. At the end of the talk he answers questions from Google employees who challenge him on many points. Whether you mostly agree with him or not, it cannot be denied that Yuval Noah Harari is full of ideas that will get you thinking!

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