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100 Best TED Talks

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by Walter Isaacson
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In this wide-ranging interview, best-selling biographer Walter Isaacson visits the Computer History Museum to speak about the process of chronicling the life of one of the tech world's most intriguing figures.

by Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs, one of the computer industry's foremost entrepreneurs, gives a wide-ranging talk to a group of MIT Sloan School of Management students in the spring of 1992.

by Jaron Lanier
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If human beings successfully create self-aware machines, will the positive social benefits outweigh the potential dangers we see in many blockbuster Hollywood movies?

by Richard Branson
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TED's Chris Anderson sits down with multibillionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson to discuss his some of the over 400 companies he's started in his Virgin Group.

by Bill Gates
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In this talk Gates provides a simple equation for the increase in carbon dioxide globally and he sees that the only way to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is to reduce carbon emissions from the equation.

by Stephen Hawking
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Stephen Hawking and others spoke about the future of space exploration as part of a lecture series to mark the 50th anniversary of NASA.

by Jeff Bezos
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Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos takes a look at the history of internet and compares it to past historical developments. He starts off relating it to the gold rush of the mid 19th century.

by Steve Jobs
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Capturing a key moment in history, this interview with Steve Jobs and John Lassetter catches both visionaries at the birth of what would become the most successful animation studio in recent history.

by Bill Gates
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Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world's biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. In a passionate and, yes, funny 18 minutes, he asks us to consider two big questions and how we might answer them.

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In commemoration of Neil Armstrong and the whole NASA space program, NASA TV has posted to YouTube their documentary on the 50th Anniversary of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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