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This Author: Peter Thiel
This Publisher: Hoover Institution

Peter Thiel and Andy Kessler on the State of Technology and Innovation by Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel and Andy Kessler on the State of Technology and Innovation

by Peter Thiel


Title Details

Running Time
45 Min.


This week on Uncommon Knowledge, host Peter Robinson mediates a discussion between PayPal founder and Stanford Professor Peter Thiel and Velocity Capital Management founder and journalist Andy Kessler on the state of technology and innovation in the United States over the past four decades. Thiel argues that, outside of computers, there has been very little innovation in the past forty years, and the rate of technological change has significantly decreased when compared to the first half of the 20th century. In contrast, Kessler asserts that innovation comes in waves, and we are on the verge of another burst of technological breakthroughs. Industries covered include education, medicine and biotechnology, as well as robots and high tech.

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