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This Author: Ray Kurzweil
This Publisher: Book TV

Ray Kurzweil on The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil on The Singularity Is Near

by Ray Kurzweil


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 14 Min.


Ray Kurzweil spoke about his book The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, published by Viking. The book is about the rapid advancements in technology and the possible implications of this for the future. Mr. Kurzweil also explained how technology evolves and demonstrates how, with this understanding, he had been able to successfully predict things like the worldwide use of the Internet decades before most people even knew what it was. Mr. Kurzweil used charts and graphs to present the potential for nanotechnology and addressed concerns that an increased reliance on technology will be bad for humanity. Following his presentation, the author participated in a discussion with Mr. Foster. After their discussion, Mr. Kurzweil responded to questions and comments from members of the audience. Mr. Foster moderated the event.

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