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This Author: Jeff Hawkins
This Publisher: UCTV

Intelligence and Machines: Creating Intelligent Machines by Modeling the Brain by Jeff Hawkins

Intelligence and Machines: Creating Intelligent Machines by Modeling the Brain

by Jeff Hawkins


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 27 Min.


Are intelligent machines possible? If they are, what will they be like? Jeff Hawkins, an inventor, engineer, neuroscientist, author and entrepreneur, frames these questions by reviewing some of the efforts to build intelligent machines. He posits that machine intelligence is only possible by first understanding how the brain works and then building systems that work on the same principles. He describes Numenta's work using neocortical models to understand the torrent of machine-generated data being created today. He will conclude with predictions on how machine intelligence will unfold in the near and long term future and why creating intelligent machines is important for humanity.

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