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This Author: Kurt Eichenwald
This Publisher: Yale University

Truth in the Internet Age by Kurt Eichenwald

Truth in the Internet Age

by Kurt Eichenwald


Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs. 10 Min.
In this new video symposium from Yale University, former Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren hosts a few panels of journalists in this lively discussion of "Truth in the Internet Age". In an election cycle where fake news, conspiracy theories, and hate comments on social media were abundant, the panel tries to put the pieces together as to how to get reliable, in-depth reporting out to the public. Journalists in the panels include Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek, Eliana Johnson of the National Review, Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal, Glenn Thrush of Politico, Tanzina Vega of CNN, and Graeme Wood of The Atlantic. They address issues such as confirmation bias and the filter bubble which divide up the electorate through platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube by delivering partisan, opinionated, and emotionally charged news that only confirms what people already believe. They also talk about what has happened to political civility when any anonymous internet troll can lay waste to serious political discourse on the Internet. The last panel is composed of Yale students who complain of microaggressions on campus, and host Greta Van Susteren suggests that these future leaders stop being so sensitive as they are probably going to have to face much worse criticisms in the professional world. This 2-hour symposium is available on YouTube.

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