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A Guide To Dog Training by Andy Guides

A Guide To Dog Training

by Andy Guides


Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs. 55 Mins.


Getting a new puppy or adult dog is always an exciting time for the entire family. But unless you understand the intricacies of caring for a new best friend, that furry bundle of joy could become an anxiety problem. Stop problems in their tracks right now with this informative special report that will tell you everything you need to know about caring for your dog.
Adding a new puppy or dog to your family can be a wonderful experience and the beginning a long relationship filled with love and companionship. In order to achieve that level of love and companionship, however, it is important to start you need puppy or adult dog off on the right foot. training puppies – I also picked up some material on training adult dogs because by this time my cute little puppy was an obnoxious teenager!
What I learned absolutely changed my life-and the relationship I had with my dog!
Suddenly the dog that couldn’t wait to tear into every new pair of shoes I brought home was now a respectable pup that stuck with her puppy chow. The same dog that nearly gave my neighbor a heart-attack with her incessant jumping, barking and chasing was very well mannered. And no more near misses with passing cars!
How did I do it?
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on training your puppy or dog does just that!
Everything you need to know is included in this special report: 
  • Dog training basics – training the new puppy
  • Training your new puppy the right way
  • Training your new puppy to accept the collar and lead
  • Training your puppy – eliminating biting behaviors
  • ** You won’t want to miss the number one way to eliminate biting problems!!
I leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I learned in order to transform my impossible, but lovable pup into a polite, well-mannered best friend is included.
For example; did you know that socialization is a critical skill for your dog?
Teaching a puppy or a dog proper socialization skills is vital to the safety of both your dog and other dogs and people with whom he comes into contact. A properly socialized dog is a happy dog, and a joy to be around for both humans and animals. A poorly socialized dog, or one with no socialization at all, is a danger to other animals, other people and even his own family.
My special report will teach you how to teach your puppy the proper socialization skills, including an exhausting do’s and don’t list. I also teach you how to eliminate your puppy or dog’s bad habits!
What’s the secret to training your puppy? I reveal it in my special report!
One of the most common problems for any new pet owner is house training. This can be a difficult time for both you and your puppy. I’ll show you how to make this training period easier and less traumatic for both of you! If you’re dealing with urination problems with an older dog; you must read this report because I even cover that as well!!
One of the worst fears of most pet owners is losing their beloved pet due to an accident with an automobile. Many times this occurs because the animal was not properly trained to obey even the most basic commands. Don’t allow that to happen to you and your dog. Teach your dog basic commands and ensure that he comes when you call.
Kick it up a notch!
When you’ve mastered the basic commands, I’ll show you how to train your dog on advanced commands.
This comprehensive special report covers the following topics: 
  • Training your dog the reward training way
  • Dog Training – Dealing with Separation Anxiety
  • Dog training – keeping your dog motivated
  • Training your dog not to chase people, bicycles, joggers, etc.
  • Eliminating problem dog behaviors – jumping and roaming
  • Training the shy or fearful puppy or dog
  • Training your dog not to fear loud noises
  • Training your dog not to chase cars
  • Teaching your dog not to chew
Make your life and your dog’s more enjoyable and less problematic by learning the most effective methods for dog training!!
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Plus A 92 Page eBook!

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