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The Barkley Marathons

The Barkley Marathons


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 29 Min.


Every year, 40 international runners descend upon a small town in Tennessee to test their mental and physical limits against the Barkley Marathons. Devised as a mockery of James Earl Ray's historic prison escape gone awry, the race has seen only 10 finishers in its first 25 years. The race's co-founder Lazarus Lake is as weird, unpredictable and irresistible a character as the idiosyncratic event he has created. With a secret application process, unknown start time, and treacherous terrain, the Barkley has gained cult-like status with ultra-runners and amateurs alike. This award-winning, oddly inspiring, and wildly funny documentary invites you to the sports world's most guarded secret; where pain has value, failure is spectacular, and it only costs $1.60.

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