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This Author: Ryan Nicodemus
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Minimalism by Ryan Nicodemus


by Ryan Nicodemus


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 17 Min.
Year Released
Watch this inspiring documentary that will help you to rethink your relationship with stuff! Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus have dubbed themselves "The Minimalists", and have a website (www.theminimalists.com, a podcast (The Minimalists Podcast), and books (like Love People, Use Things), devoted to the idea of "minimalism". After working their way up the corporate ladder and realizing that at a certain point, more money and more stuff didn't buy happiness, the two decided to quit their jobs and pursue minimalism as a way of life. Getting rid of all the stuff that didn't provide value to their lives, helped them to simplify their lives and focus on what made them happier. In a society that bombards us with advertising from childhood, it can be hard to resist the urge to buy and accumulate more stuff. This documentary shows how many people have gone about a life of minimalism. It also covers minimizing things in our life that distract us and includes interviews with some mindfulness advocates like Rick Hanson, Dan Harris, and Sam Harris.

The narrative of the documentary follows Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus as they set out on their book tour and their idea of minimalism begins to catch on leading to TV appearances and packed book tour talks. With the popularity of this documentary and their books and podcast, their ideas have certainly struck a chord with many people who are tired of the constant grind in order to buy more and more stuff! They close the documentary with one wise quote, "Love people and use things. Because the opposite never works."

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