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This Author: John Wooden
This Narrator: John Wooden
This Publisher: Hulu.com

John Wooden: Values, Victory, and Peace of Mind by John Wooden

John Wooden: Values, Victory, and Peace of Mind

by John Wooden


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
Part documentary, part lecture this hour-long public television video from 2000 presents the life and wisdom of John Wooden, perhaps the greatest coach of the 20th Century. Using his "Pyramid of Success" principles, Coach Wooden led his UCLA basketball teams to ten NCAA national basketball championships. In this documentary you'll hear from Wooden himself as he presents the 15 building blocks to his "Pyramid of Success". As you'll discover, these tried and true principles can be applied to all areas of life. You'll also learn about Wooden's amazing life story, along with commentary on his leadership skills from some of his best players including Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Bill Walton. It's an excellent documentary containing many gems of wisdom from John Wooden. This documentary is available to watch for free with limited commercial interruption through Hulu.com.

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