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by Jim Valvano
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Listen to this truly inspiring address by legendary American college basketball coach Jimmy Valvano, delivered just a few months before he died of cancer.

by John Wooden
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In this talk delivered at the TED conference a few years ago, Wooden talks about true success being the satisfaction of knowing you that put forth your utmost effort in the game despite whether you win or lose. He readily quotes poetry and other sources of his inspiration throughout his life.

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Heard on this exclusive product are Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, President Clinton, David Stern, and other celebrities toasting the basketball immoral.

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FRONTLINE and The New York Times delve deep into the shadowy world of fantasy sports and online sports betting.

by John Wooden
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Part documentary, part lecture this hour-long public television video from 2000 presents the life and wisdom of John Wooden, perhaps the greatest coach of the 20th Century.

by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in conversation with Bill Walton at Live Talks Los Angeles, May 24, 2017, discussing his book, "Coach Wooden and Me: Our 50-Year Friendship On and Off the Court."

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Lusia Harris - a pioneering athlete who became a basketball phenomenon in the 1970s, made history as the first woman to score a basket in the Olympics and was one of the first two women inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame - died on Jan. 18 in Mississippi. She was 66.

by Joe Richman
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Back in 1946, when the National Basketball League was known as the Basketball Association of America, all the players were white, many of them from poor, immigrant neighborhoods...

by John Wooden
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Basketball legends and former UCLA players Bill Walton and Bill Russell join Wooden to reflect on the famed coach's extraordinary career.

by Mike Krzyzewski
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An interview with Mike Krzyzewski, head coach of the Duke Blue Devils men's basketball team, on his team, his strategies for getting his team to first place, and his book "Leading With the Heart", about strategies for basketball, business, and life.

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