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This Author: Cal Ripken, Jr.
This Publisher: Google Talks

Cal Ripken, Jr. on Get in the Game by Cal Ripken, Jr.

Cal Ripken, Jr. on Get in the Game

by Cal Ripken, Jr.


Title Details

Running Time
40 Min.


The Authors@Google program was delighted to welcome hall of famer and baseball legend Cal Ripken, Jr. to talk about his new book "Get in the Game".

About the Author:
Cal Ripken is baseball's all-time Iron Man and a member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame. He retired from baseball following the 2001 season after 21 seasons with the Baltimore Orioles. His name appears in the record books repeatedly, most notably as one of only eight players in history to achieve 400 home runs and 3,000 hits. On July 29, 2007 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame after receiving the 3rd highest voting percentage in history and collecting the most votes ever.

In 1995, Ripken broke Lou Gehrig's record for consecutive games played (2,130) and voluntarily ended his streak in 1998 after playing 2,632 consecutive games. Although he finished his career at third base, Cal is still best known for redefining the position of shortstop.

About the Book:
Over the years Cal has become a best-selling author. His past works include The Only Way I Know, an autobiography; Play Baseball The Ripken Way, an instructional book for parents and coaches; Parenting Young Athletes The Ripken Way, a guide for parents to help them keep sports fun for their kids; and his two latest works: Get in the Game, Eight Elements of Perseverance that Make the Difference, his first foray into the self help/business world; and The Longest Season, a children's book that teaches kids how to learn from difficult experiences.

Unlike Ripken's other autobiographical books on baseball, Get In the Game, begins with a contemplation of Gehrig's famed work ethic (maintained even after being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and analyzing "the many parallels in our careers and how similarly he and I approached our jobs." Ripken breaks down Gehrig-style perseverance—"steadfastness, hanging in there in the face of difficulty, overcoming obstacles"—into eight elements, each with its own chapter: "The Right Values," "A Strong Will to Succeed," "Love What You Do, "Preparation," "Anticipation, "Trusting Relationships," "Life Management" and "The Courage of Your Convictions."

This event took place on April 17, 2008 at the Google NYC office.

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