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This Author: Christopher McDougall
This Publisher: TED Talks

Christopher McDougall: Are We Born to Run? by Christopher McDougall

Christopher McDougall: Are We Born to Run?

by Christopher McDougall


Title Details

Running Time
15 Min.
Christopher McDougall lays out the endurance running hypothesis that not only can all human beings run long distances but that in our early evolution humanity developed in hunting packs that ran long distances for food. By tying together insights from the world of running to the Tarahumara Indian tribe in the Mexican Copper Canyons who are capable of running great distances to some facts from evolutionary history, McDougall argues that all humans are born to run. After numerous running injuries, McDougall looked at the world's best long distances runners such as the Tarahumara Indian tribe, and concludes that modern cushioned running shoes are a major cause of running injury.

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