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This Author: Amartya Sen
This Publisher: Conversations with History

Reflectons on Theory in the Social Sciences by Amartya Sen

Reflectons on Theory in the Social Sciences

Conversations with History

by Amartya Sen


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
59 Min.
In this biographical interview, host Harry Kreisler interviews Nobel Prize winning political philosopher Amartya Sen to discuss a career devoted to merging economic thought with sociology. Sen's work has broadened the definition of economics thanks to an attitude that is always questioning how academic theories are set in place. His studies in famine for instance went beyond a food-centered focus and took into account the overarching economic and political dimensions that lead to widespread hunger. Sen's intellectual odyssey has led him to always view a problem from an outsider's perspective, leading to a pluralistic approach to tackling the world's most pressing problems.

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