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This Author: Eric Kandel
This Publisher: Charlie Rose

The Emotional and Vulnerable Brain by Eric Kandel

The Emotional and Vulnerable Brain

by Eric Kandel


Title Details

Running Time
55 Min.


In this seventh episode of the Charlie Rose Brain Series the roundtable examines the emotional brain and focuses on the pleasure and reward system that involves the neurotransmitter dopamine. They discuss addiction and how it hijacks the dopaminergic system in the way that the addict needs more and more dopamine to feel normal as addiction progresses. Addiction is now viewed in the brain sciences as a chronic disease requiring ongoing treatment because of the risk of relapse, yet the health care system is reluctant to treat it as a chronic disease. The panel finishes with pointing out that addictions involving dopaminergic activity aren't limited to drugs & alcohol, but can also be involved in addictions to gambling, food, sex, and other risky behaviors.

On episode seven of the Charlie Rose Brain Series, a discussion of the Emotional Brain with Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Eric Nestler of Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Wolfram Schultz of Cambridge University, and Daniel Salzman of Columbia University. Co-Hosted by Eric Kandel of Columbia University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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