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This Author: Eric Kandel
This Publisher: Charlie Rose

The Aging Brain by Eric Kandel

The Aging Brain

by Eric Kandel


Title Details

Running Time
55 Min.
In the sixth episode of the Charlie Rose Brain Series the panel discusses memory and Alzheimer's disease. 91-year-old neuropsychologist Brenda Milner talks about her work with the famous patient known as H.M. who had surgery on specific brain areas to cure his epilepsy, but then lost his ability to turn short term memory into long term memory. This discovery and other related discoveries helped neuroscientists to learn that there are different types of memory in different areas of the brain such as motor memory, recognition of people and places, and memories involved in phobias. The group then looks at Alzheimer's disease and its effects on memory, and how it can be prevented through exercise, socializing, and intellectual activity.

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