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Social Networking on the Brain by David Ewing Duncan

Social Networking on the Brain

Neuroscience and the New Media

by David Ewing Duncan


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
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  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating
Listen to a lively panel discussion on "Social Networking on the Brain". The panelists include neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley, documentary filmmaker Tiffany Shlain, who made a new film called Connected: An Autobiography about Love, Death and Technology, and Josh McHugh, CEO of Attention Span Media. And the moderator is David Ewing Duncan, author of the book Experimental Man. They discuss Facebook, Twitter, Google, and the rest of new media, and how these technologies are affecting our brains and our way of life. Topics include managing the information glut, breaking the filter bubble, the limits of multitasking, and the importance of face-to-face social interaction. The panelists and audience might bring up more interesting questions than answers, but they will certainly get the wheels in your head turning when it comes to your interactions with the Internet, computers, smartphones, and social networks. This talk is available on streaming video through YouTube.

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