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This Author: Martin Seligman
This Publisher: RSA

Martin Seligman: Flourish by Martin Seligman

Martin Seligman: Flourish

by Martin Seligman


Title Details

Running Time
24 Min.
In this 30-minute talk from RSA, positive psychologist Martin Seligman talks about how there is much more to human life than reducing suffering. He argues for the idea of “PERMA” which he puts forth in his latest book Flourish. Each letter of PERMA stands for an element which he argues is essential to well-being. P stands for Positive emotion, E stands for Engagement which he relates to the idea of flow, R stands for Relationships and their importance, M stands for having Meaning, and A stands for Achievement and accomplishing something with your life. Working with the U.S. military, he has put these measurable aspects of well-being to the test to not only reduce PTSD and suicide, but also to push individuals to thrive in the face of adversity.

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