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This Author: Jonah Berger
This Publisher: Google Talks

Jonah Berger on Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

Jonah Berger on Contagious: Why Things Catch On

by Jonah Berger


Title Details

Running Time
40 Min.
We all have ideas we want to share whether it be with friends or in business, and we would all we like these ideas to be influential and spread. In this talk at Google, Jonah Berger takes a look at why certain ideas spread and go viral either by word of mouth or by social media. Berger covers some internet phenomenon that have gone viral and why. He lists six things that make an idea contagious: 1. Their social currency that represents someone's status, 2. Triggers in the environment, 3. Emotion (when we care we share), 4. Publicly visible (such as Apple's white headphones), 5. Practical value (news you can use), and 6. Using stories that carry ideas in them. He then answers questions, such as why are cats so viral?!

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