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This Author: Johann Hari
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Johann Hari on Lost Connections by Johann Hari

Johann Hari on Lost Connections

by Johann Hari


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 8 Min.
In this interview from the Politics and Prose bookstore, Andrew Sullivan interviews Johann Hari about his best-selling book Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - and the Unexpected Solutions. Hari argues that we need to look further at the social causes of depression when coming up with solutions for combating this pervasive mental illness. He agrees that there is a place for antidepressants and psychotherapy in working to help depressed and anxious patients. But he also points out that the epidemic of loneliness and the lack of control in one's work is also significantly contributing to our high rates of depression throughout America and around the world. While the solutions to these problems aren't easy, Hari suggests through many stories from his book of alternative ways we might treat depression. As someone on antidepressants, Andrew Sullivan asks Hari many good questions throughout the talk. At the end, Hari fields questions from the bookstore audience.

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