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This Author: Philip Zimbardo
This Publisher: TED Talks

How Ordinary People Become Monsters... or Heroes by Philip Zimbardo

How Ordinary People Become Monsters... or Heroes

by Philip Zimbardo


Title Details

Running Time
23 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings
Renowned social psychologist Philip Zimbardo talks about the ideas in his book The Lucifer Effect which explores how good people turn evil. He looks at Abu Ghraib prison scandal which he was called as a witness to, and he compares it to the influential Stanford prison study which he conducted in the early 1970s. In both these circumstances normal individuals were given power without oversight over the prisoners. Zimbardo emphasizes the importance of circumstance when it comes to the potential evil, indifference, or heroism in all of us. Note: Zimbardo shows some graphic imagery of Abu Ghraib in this video.

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