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This Author: Daniel Kahneman
This Publisher: TED Talks

Daniel Kahneman: The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory by Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman: The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory

by Daniel Kahneman


Title Details

Running Time
20 Min.
The Nobel Prize-winning inventor of behavioral economics and renowned psychologist Daniel Kahneman recently spoke at the TED conference on the complicated subject of happiness. Kahneman attempts to distinguish the happiness we experience versus the happiness we feel from our memories. We usually recall our memories like stories so if they ended poorly we often remember them as unhappy even we generally experienced happiness throughout their duration. With the vacations that we take, we often decide on where to go with the idea of creating great memories, even if we spend a great deal more time experiencing the vacation than reliving the memories later. He applies these distinctions to many other examples in an attempt to clarify the idea of happiness. This talk is available from TED.com on MP3 audio download and streaming video.

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