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Is America Hospitable to the Negro? by Jesse Jackson

Is America Hospitable to the Negro?

by Jesse Jackson


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Jesse Jackson was commonly described as one of the more "moderate" civil-rights leaders-although, as WFB says in his introduction, "moderate" hardly does justice to his "special mixture of evangelism, toughness, eloquence, and bombast." Mr. Jackson-dressed not in jacket and tie but in a boldly patterned T-shirt-proceeds to demonstrate what his host means, with his rapid-fire disquisitions on the civil-rights movement, on the current state of the cities, and much more. One sample: "One cannot see the Public Accommodations Bill-which moves toward some universal respect for one's person in America-apart from the jailings and the bombings in Birmingham, Alabama, and the assassination [of Martin Luther King].... So indeed there is progress, but it is in proportion to the agitation."

Episode S0019, Recorded on October 2, 1971

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