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This Author: Michael Gurian
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Michael Gurian on Leadership and the Sexes by Michael Gurian

Michael Gurian on Leadership and the Sexes

by Michael Gurian


Title Details

Running Time
53 Min.


Author Michael Gurian visits Google's headquarters in Mountain View, CA, to discuss his book "Leadership and the Sexes". This event took place September 10, 2008, as a part of the Authors@google series. For more info, please visit http://www.michaelgurian.com/

Leadership and the Sexes presents brain science tools with which readers can look into the brains of men and women to understand themselves and one another. The book also provides five Gender Tools, which can be used immediately in executive, management, design, and marketing teams. The gender science presented in this book has been used successfully by such diverse corporations as IBM, Nissan, Proctor & Gamble, Deloitte & Touche, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Brooks Sports, and many others. This gender science helps leaders increase their organization's competitive edge, profits, and bottom line.

Michael Gurian is a thought-leader, corporate consultant, family therapist, and the New York Times bestselling author of twenty-five books, including Leading Partners, The Wonder of Girls, Boys and Girls Learn Differently!, The Wonder of Boys, and The Minds of Boys. The co-founder of the Gurian Institute, he has spearheaded a national effort to provide communities and corporations with training in brain-based gender issues.

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