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This Author: Katherine Halligan
This Narrator: Ann Richardson
This Publisher: Dreamscape Media

Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World by Katherine Halligan

Herstory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook Up the World

by Katherine Halligan


Title Details

Running Time
4 Hrs. 11 Min.


Throughout history, girls have often been discussed in terms of what they couldn't or shouldn't do. Not anymore. It's time for herstory‚ a celebration not only of what girls can do but also of the remarkable things women have already accomplished, even when others tried to stop them.

This uplifting and inspiring book follows the stories of 50 powerhouse women from around the world and across time who each managed to change the world as they knew it forever. Telling the stories of their childhood, the challenges they faced, and the impact of their achievements, each tale is a celebration of girl power in its many forms. From astronauts to activists, musicians to mathematicians, these women are sure to motivate young listeners of all backgrounds to focus not on the can'ts and shouldn'ts but on what they can do: anything!

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