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Betty Friedan on Women's Lib by Betty Friedan

Betty Friedan on Women's Lib

by Betty Friedan


Title Details


Moments before the taping began, Mrs. Friedan told WFB that she had saved one of his sisters from disciplinary action at Smith College thirty years earlier. Thus handicapped he has trouble gaining momentum against this force of nature, who sweeps through the economics of housekeeping, the liberation of men from "the masculine mystique" of "bear-killing, big-muscle Ernest Hemingway," and the "right of every woman to control her own body." WFB: "No, but the woman's body, as I understand it-at least this has been a point of view that has been accepted by women over the years, at least in many countries-the woman's body, after conception, becomes simply a carrier of something which is entitled to innate consideration." BF: "No, Bill, I can't accept-I mean I don't think that." WFB: "There is a tradition of this." BF: "I can't believe that you even believe it." WFB: "Of course I believe it."

Episode 235, Recorded on January 11, 1971

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