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Joe McGinniss on The Selling of the President 1968 by Joe McGinniss

Joe McGinniss on The Selling of the President 1968

by Joe McGinniss


Title Details


Mr. McGinniss, WFB tells us, "dropped his column in June of 1968, intending to do a book on the selling of the President. He asked the Humphrey people if he might tag along, but they said, Hell, no, you can't tag along. The Nixon people were less cautious..." The "selling" in the title refers to the PR tricks used on television: "the image-building, image-changing work," as Mr. McGinniss puts it: "They completely eliminated the Tricky Dick, the loser image, all these bad things that had been hangovers of 1962, and by the time Mr. Nixon went to Miami, I think, it was almost to be coronated, not nominated." One might question, as various reviewers had done, whether Mr. McGinniss had played fair with the Nixon people in presenting his project; but today's discussion proves illuminating on the way we choose our candidates.

Episode 176, Recorded on November 10, 1969

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