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This Author: James Allen
This Narrator: Patrick Seitz
This Publisher: LearnOutLoud.com

The Way of Peace by James Allen

The Way of Peace

by James Allen


Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
1 Hr. 41 Min.
User Rating
  3.8  Stars Based on 22 ratings


The Way of Peace is an inspirational classic that should not be missed by anyone interested in accessing spiritual transcendence. Here James Allen (author of As a Man Thinketh) details how one might reverse the pain that comes from living for the self. After identifying life's common spiritual traps, he then teaches how to overcome these obstacles and enter a world free of pain, hate and fear. Endlessly thought-provoking, Way of Peace is a treasure-trove of wisdom from a voice informed by truth.

Chapter Headings:

  • Chapter 1: The Power of Meditation
  • Chapter 2: The Two Masters, Self and Truth
  • Chapter 3: The Acquirement of Spiritual Power
  • Chapter 4: The Realization of Selfless Love
  • Chapter 5: Entering Into the Infinite
  • Chapter 6: Saints, Sages, and Saviors
  • Chapter 7: The Realization of Perfect Peace

    About the Author: Born in 1864, James Allen is just now gaining recognition for a small but still prescient body of inspirational books and poetry. Living his life in England, Allen worked as an executive secretary until retiring at the age of 38 to live out the rest of his days in quiet contemplation. The result of these 9 years of self-examination is a body of work that has finally found its way to popular attention. Allen died at the age of 48 in 1912, leaving behind a legacy that would help inspire the modern self-help movement.

    The Way of Peace by James Allen was published in 1907 and is in the public domain. This audio book was recorded by LearnOutLoud.com and is narrated by Patrick Seitz. Copyright © 2006 LearnOutLoud, Inc. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned.

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